If you have been struggling to notice and understand messages for you from the Universe, this is the book for you.

Judy Kane - Founder of Aligned Consciousness and Author of Your4Truths: How Beliefs Impact Your Life



Intuitive Languages



Have you ever experienced a coincidence or a synchronicity?


...If so, Spirit was sending you guidance…


...But, if you didn’t know the language, you might have missed the message…


...Or doubted that what you received was “real…”

Intuitive Languages

Will launch on 

October 27, 2022


Hello! And thank you for making it to my book launch partner sign-up page!

I’m giddy with excitement about the launch of my upcoming book and I’m asking friends and family to help me spread the word about it on launch day. 

My mission in sharing this book is to show how easy and natural intuition is for everyone. We are all intuitive and when you learn how you uniquely communicate with Spirit, you open yourself up to living life in flow and ease.


In Intuitive Languages, Nicole Meltzer trance channels the Tri Luminii, a collective of non-physical energies, to help you understand how you receive messages from the Universe. As you gain clarity and build your intuitive trust, Universal wisdom flows—and messages come continuously. What once felt like random non-relevant events transform into signposts of guidance along your life’s journey.


The Tri Luminii deliver your Intuitive Language blueprint in a simple, relatable, and fun process. They encourage you to stretch your perception with playful curiosity to deepen your connection to spiritual guidance. And, just like learning a new language, the more you practice, the more you lean into received guidance with trust, ease, and joy—transforming your life from that of striving to one of flowing.  

"A fascinating journey into understanding and activating your intuition."

Cheri D. Andrews, Esq. - Author of Smooth Sailing – A Practical Guide to Legally Protecting Your Business

"A must-read for anyone interested in living intuitively, from the person who identifies as highly intuitive to the person just beginning to explore the concept of intuition."

Becca Weinstein - Intuitive Visionary & Artist | InnerFire Visioning for Empowered Alignment

"In an increasingly divided and disconnected world, Intuitive Languages is salve for the soul. The focus on our interconnectedness, not only to each other, but also to Source, is profoundly calming and grounding."

Nicolette Blanco - Author of By a Thread: Resilience Strategies for the Partially Unraveled


About the Author

Nicole Meltzer, founder of the transformative program Flow, has helped thousands of people tap into and trust their intuition through her international intuitive circles, programs, and presentations. Nicole’s lust for travel, art, languages, and architecture have her seeking bridges—both physically and metaphorically—to connect with others. She lives with her soulmate of many lifetimes, Elliott, and their two highly intuitive sons in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, where the artsy vibe blends with sporty spice.

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