Elevate your impact.

Elevate your connection.

Elevate your profit.

Never struggle with decisions again!

Using Intuition in Business is the Secret Skill of the Top Business Leaders

Elevate your business this year by honing your intuition and you'll:

  • Make decisions and implement with speed
  • Have clarity in your business planning
  • See a bigger vision for your business and the people you empower
  • Play a bigger game in your industry 
  • Elevate your business, in impact, connection and profit!

Does this sound like you?

You've been feeling the pull to grow your business and take it to its next level. You LOVE the results you've been getting with your clients, and yet, you know there is so much more you can do with them and offer to them. You have so many ideas and don't know where to start. 

You may be feeling some fear or uncertainty around what may be required of you to make this leap. Do you really have what it takes? Will you be able to perform? Do you even have time for this?!

With so many possibilities and decisions to make, you find yourself in analysis paralysis. With the lack of clarity, you've been flip flopping on ideas, starting new tangents with every little inspiration received!

If you said, "Yes, that's me!" to any of these statements, then now is the time to bring the power of intuition into your business.

Using intuition, with direct focus and intention, will eliminate the distractions, give you clarity and certainty as you Elevate your business!


Here is what your monthly experience in Elevate will entail...

Weekly Open Office Hours

Each week, the zoom room will be open for an hour, only for Elevate members, to pop in and ask for intuitive guidance. You can ask for a channeled message; have a Love Seat to work through a business dilemma; or just be inspired by other members' questions. Join for the entire hour or come and go as you please. 

Monthly Business Topics & Challenges

Each month a different element of business will be explored, and the use of intuition in it. There will be a channeled lesson followed by Love Seats to receive personalized guidance with regards to the monthly topic. A channeled challenge will be offered, to Elevate this aspect of your business.

Weekly "Downloads"

These are channeled messages sent to your inbox each week. 

Doors Now Open!

Set yourself up for 2025 to be more impactful, more connected, and more profitable!

Sign up before 11pm NY on October 26th to receive a private intuitive session to have an eagle-eye view of your business and its next level!

12 Month Payment Plan


Membership includes

  • Access to Elevate for 1 year
  • Monthly topics and challenges, all intuitively led and complete with Love Seats to receive personalized guidance
  • Weekly office hours to pop in and have your business dilemmas addressed, intuitively
  • Weekly "downloads" - intuitive guidance messages sent to your inbox

One-Time Payment


Membership includes

  • Access to Elevate for 1 year
  • Monthly topics and challenges, all intuitively led and complete with Love Seats to receive personalized guidance
  • Weekly office hours to pop in and have your business dilemmas addressed, intuitively
  • Weekly "downloads" - intuitive guidance messages sent to your inbox

Doors close

October 31st at 11pm NY/Toronto